Soft Seating

Sofas, lounge chairs, and modular furniture that blend style and comfort
europlan projects wyma solutions

Plush and inviting soft seating to create comfortable and inviting spaces

Elevate your office ambiance with inviting and versatile furnishings that promote relaxation, collaboration, or informal meetings.

Tailor your selection to match your office’s unique atmosphere and team needs. Transform your workspace with cosy and functional soft seating that adds comfort and aesthetic appeal.

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projects university otago isb hero
"Thank you again for the great job, the fine work you and your team did to deliver what was promised, in the short time frame."
Maureen MIller
University of Otago - ISB
"I don’t want to deal with a sales rep, I want to deal with a relationship manager who has a genuine interest in our organisation and who sees value to me in offering solutions, not value in it for themselves. That’s Europlan."
John Cameron
National Assets Manager, Barnardos
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