This Government Agency are continuing to transform how they work as part of an ongoing journey towards being a modern, innovative workplace.
Building on sound foundations, they are taking opportunities to redesign their workplaces and the way they work in them to deliver a modern, agile, appealing and collaborative environment for their people.
For this agency, flexibility at work comes in different forms and is about having choices. It’s about how, where and when their people work, and being open to exploring options that find the balance between individual needs, team needs and organisational needs.
With an existing portfolio of 21 workplaces across 17 locations, this significant property strategy will maximise existing floorplates, while simultaneously creating spaces that enable flexible working.
Europlan’s South Island Project Manager, Paul, based himself in Greymouth full time during delivery and installation and built a great relationship with the Agency team. The location meant we had to carefully plan delivery and installation. Preplanning and communication were critical, with an eight hour return trip to consider, we needed to be vigilant when it came to packing and preparing the order.
Under Paul’s expert eye, we ran three truckloads of product across in one day, navigating winter weather through the South Island’s Lewis Pass into Greymouth. Over a three-day programme, Paul and his team of contractors worked with the project team to execute the delivery and installation. To achieve space saving efficiency with our logistics program, we built a significant portion of the products on site.
This project was also one of our first to supply the Yellowbox Smart Locker system and included building bespoke aspects into the doors and a custom-made shroud for the lockers.
We used local contractors to achieve critical outcomes in line with project milestones for Greymouth, this also ensures continuity of service for future changes to the site.
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